O "Past Continuous" é formado com o verbo auxiliar "to be" (was, were) em "Simple Past" + o verbo principal em gerúndio (-ing). Veja um exemplo:
Forma afirmativa do verbo "to work" em past continuous.
I was working |
Eu estava trabalhando |
You were working |
Você estava trabalhando |
He was working |
Ele estava trabalhando |
She was working |
Ela estava trabalhando |
It was working |
Ele, Ela estava trabalhando (neutro) |
We were working |
Nós estávamos trabalhando |
You were working |
Vocês estavam trabalhando |
They were working |
Eles, Elas estavam trabalhando |
Forma negativa do verbo "to work" em past continuous.
I was not working |
I wasn't working |
Eu não estava trabalhando |
You were not working |
You weren't working |
Você não estava trabalhando |
He was not working |
He wasn't working |
Ele não estava trabalhando |
She was not working |
She wasn't working |
Ela não estava trabalhando |
It was not working |
It wasn't working |
Ele, Ela não estava trabalhando (neutro) |
We were not working |
We weren't working |
Nós não estávamos trabalhando |
You were not working |
You weren't working |
Vocês não estavam trabalhando |
They were not working |
They weren't working |
Eles, Elas não estavam trabalhando |
Forma interrogativa do verbo "to work" em past continuous.
Was I working? |
Eu estava trabalhando? |
Were you working? |
Você estava trabalhando? |
Was he working? |
Ele estava trabalhando? |
Was she working? |
Ela estava trabalhando? |
Was it working? |
Ele, Ela estava trabalhando (neutro)? |
Were we working? |
Nós estávamos trabalhando? |
Were you working? |
Vocês estavam trabalhando? |
Were they working? |
Eles, Elas estavam trabalhando? |
Respostas curtas em past continuous.
Yes, I was |
No, I was not No, I wasn't not |
Yes, you were |
No, you were not No, you weren't |
Yes, he was |
No, he was not No, he wasn't |
Yes, she was |
No, she was not No, she wasn't |
Yes, it was |
No, it was not No, it wasn't |
Yes, we were |
No, we were not No, we weren't |
Yes, you were |
No, you were not No, you weren't |
Yes, they were |
No, they were not No, they weren't |
Regras ortográficas para a formação do gerúndio:
Normalmente para formar o gerúndio em inglês basta adicionar a terminação "-ing" ao final do verbo, porém ao acrescentar "-ing" a alguns verbos se produzem certas mudanças ortográficas. Veja:
Quando o verbo termina em "-e" remove-se a letra "-e" e adiciona-se "-ing".
write - writing
(escrever - escrevendo)
make - making
(fazer - fazendo)
live - living
(viver - vivendo)
Exceção: see - seeing.
Quando verbos de uma ou duas sílabas terminam em "consoante + vogal + consoante", dobra-se a última consoante e adiciona-se "-ing".
sit - sitting
(sentar-se - sentando-se)
swim - swimming
(nadar - nadando)
run - running
(correr - correndo)
stop - stopping
(parar - parando)
open - opening
Não se dobram as consoantes "w" e "x": blow - blowing, fix - fixing.
Em inglês britânico, quando o verbo termina "-l", dobra-se a letra "-l" e adiciona-se "-ing".
travel - travelling
(viajar - viajando)
Quando o verbo termina em "-ie", troca-se "-ie" por "-y" e se adiciona "-ing".
lie - lying
(mentir - mentindo)
die - dying
(morrer - morrendo)
Ordem das frases com verbos em "Past Continuous":
Afirmativas: sujeito + to be (was,were) + verbo + -ing + objetos.
I was having a bath when my father came in.
(Eu estava tomando banho quando meu pai chegou.)
Negativas: sujeito + to be (was, were) + not + verbo + -ing + objetos.
I wasn't driving fast when the accident happened.
(Eu não estava dirigindo rápido quando aconteceu o acidente.)
Interrogativas Afirmativas: verbo to be (was, were) + sujeito + verbo + -ing + objetos + interrogação.
Were you studying when I knocked on the door?
(Você estava estudando quando eu bati na porta?)
Respostas curtas afirmativas: "Yes" + sujeito + was, were.
Respostas curtas negativas: "No" + sujeito + was, were + not.
Marcadores temporais do "Past Continuous":
Entre os principais marcadores temporais do tempo "Past Continuous" temos: while, when, as, all day, night, morning, at five o'clock Etc.
When I woke up this morning it was raining and my father was singing in the kitchen.
(Quando acordei esta manhã estava chovendo e meu pai estava cantando na cozinha.)
While I was sleeping, she was working.
(Enquanto eu estava dormindo, ela estava trabalhando.)
What were you doing at eight o'clock yesterday?
(O que você estava fazendo às oito horas de ontem?)