Números Cardinais em Inglês

Os números cardinais são usados para expressar quantidades exatas, dimensões, peso, distância, idades, datas, horários.
NÚMEROS 0 a 100 NÚMEROS 101 a 2 000 000 000 000
0 zero
101 one hundred and one
(wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ænd wʌn)
1 one
102 one hundred and two
(wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ænd tu)
2 two
103 one hundred and three
(wʌn ˈhʌndrɪd ænd θri)
3 three
200 two hundred
(tu hʌndrɪd)
4 four
300 three hundred
(θri hʌndrɪd)
5 five
400 four hundred
(fɔr hʌndrɪd)
6 six
500 five hundred
(faɪv hʌndrɪd)
7 seven
600 six hundred
(sɪks hʌndrɪd)
8 eight
700 seven hundred
(ˈsɛvən hʌndrɪd)
9 nine
800 eight hundred
(eɪt hʌndrɪd)
10 ten
900 nine hundred
(naɪn hʌndrɪd)
11 eleven
1 000 one thousand
(wʌn ˈθaʊzənd)
12 twelve
2 000 two thousand
(tu ˈθaʊzənd)
13 thirteen
3 000 three thousand
(θri ˈθaʊzənd)
14 fourteen
4 000 four thousand
(fɔr ˈθaʊzənd)
15 fifteen
5 000 five thousand
(faɪv ˈθaʊzənd)
16 sixteen
6 000 six thousand
(sɪks ˈθaʊzənd)
17 seventeen
7 000 seven thousand
(ˈsɛvən ˈθaʊzənd)
18 eighteen
8 000 eight thousand
(eɪt ˈθaʊzənd)
19 nineteen
9 000 nine thousand
(naɪn ˈθaʊzənd)
20 twenty
10 000 ten thousand
(tɛn ˈθaʊzənd)
21 twenty-one
11 000 eleven thousand
(ɪˈlɛvən ˈθaʊzənd)
22 twenty-two
12 000 twelve thousand
(twɛlv ˈθaʊzənd)
23 twenty-three
20 000 twenty thousand
(ˈtwɛnti ˈθaʊzənd)
24 twenty-four
21 000 twenty-one thousand
(ˈtwɛnti wʌn ˈθaʊzənd)
25 twenty-five
22 000 twenty-two thousand
(ˈtwɛntiˈtu ˈθaʊzənd)
26 twenty-six
100 000 one hundred thousand
(wʌn hʌndrɪd ˈθaʊzənd)
27 twenty-seven
101 000 one hundred and one thousand
(wʌn hʌndrɪd ænd wʌn θaʊzənd)
28 twenty-eight
102 000 one hundred and two thousand
(wʌn hʌndrɪd ænd tu θaʊzənd)
29 twenty-nine
200 000 two hundred thousand
(tu hʌndrɪd θaʊzənd)
30 thirty
1 000 000 one million
(wʌn ˈmɪlyən)
31 thirty-one
1 100 000 1.1 million
(wʌn pɔɪnt wʌn ˈmɪlyən)
32 thirty-two
1 200 000 1.2 million
(wʌn pɔɪnt tu ˈmɪlyən)
33 thirty-three
10 000 000 ten million
(tɛn ˈmɪlyən)
34 thirty-four
10 100 000 10.1 million
(tɛn pɔɪnt wʌn ˈmɪlyən)
40 forty
10 200 000 10.2 million
(tɛn pɔɪnt tu ˈmɪlyən)
50 fifty
1 000 000 000 one billion
(wʌn ˈbɪlyən)
60 sixty
1 100 000 000 1.1 billion
(wʌn pɔɪnt wʌn ˈbɪlyən)
70 seventy
1 200 000 000 1.2 billion
(wʌn pɔɪnt tu ˈskwɜrəl)
80 eighty
9 000 000 000 nine billion
(naɪn ˈbɪlyən)
90 ninety
1 000 000 000 000 one trillion
(wʌn ˈtrɪlyən)
100 hundred
2 000 000 000 000 two trillion
(tu ˈtrɪlyən)

Usa-se a palavra "and" para unir as partes de um número ordinal grande, como é feito com os números ordinais.

Usa-se vírgula ou um espaço em branco para separador de milhares.

Em números de 1100 a 1900 é muito frequente, especialmente no inglês de Estados Unidos, usar eleven hundred (1100), thirteen hundred (1300), eighteen hundred (1.800), etc.

Nos Estados Unidos um bilhão ("a billion") equivale a mil milhões.

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança