Verbo "to be" em Past Tense - Exercícios de Inglês

Seleciona a forma correta do verbo "to be" em Past Tense.

1) I (be) ________ tired yesterday and I'm tired again today.
A. was
B. were

2) My wife and I (be) ________ happy for 20 years.
A. was
B. were

3) We (be) ________ sad to leave the place.
A. was
B. were

4) They (be) ________ busy at work.
A. was
B. were

5) He (be) ________ angry for the right reasons.
A. was
B. were

6) Of course she (be) ________ sleepy, she was working two jobs while trying to go to nursing school.
A. was
B. were

7) It (be) ________ cold  last night.
A. was
B. were


1-a / 2-b / 3-b / 4-b / 5-a / 6-a / 7-a

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança