Exercícios com "For" e "To" em inglês

Assinale a alternativa correta usando "For" ou "To" em inglês.
Thank you _____ helping me with my English assignments.
Possíveis Respostas:
Say hello _____ your girlfriend.
Possíveis Respostas:
She's doing this exercise _____ understand the lesson.
Possíveis Respostas:
Your personality is important _____ the success of your work.
Possíveis Respostas:
She bought a bone _____ her dog.
Possíveis Respostas:
We went on the bridge _____ see some fish.
Possíveis Respostas:
First you have to send an application _____ the personnel manager.
Possíveis Respostas:
He was promoted _____ his dedication.
Possíveis Respostas:
After three weeks of exams, I went to the seaside _____ rest.
Possíveis Respostas:
Things are going well _____ me today. I'm so happy.
Possíveis Respostas:

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança