Semana 01: Exercício sobre Verbo "To Be" em Frases Afirmativas - Curso Grátis de Inglês

I- Complete com o verbo "To Be" corretamente.
1. She an atriz.
2. We the teachers.
3. I American.
4. Michael and Susan at home.
5. What your first name?
6. I fine, thanks.
7. My name Marta.

II- Complete com o verbo "To Be" corretamente.
1. Marta a secretary.
2. They my friends.
3. My sister and I good tennis players.
4. The cats white.
5. I not tired.
6. He Mr. Hall.
7. My name Lucy.
8. My brother a student.
9. Your dog asleep.
10. You a teacher.

Aprenda hoje

Everything comes to him who waits
Quem espera sempre alcança